Alexander Bays, self-taught programmer, designer and r/neography hobbyist from Dallas, TX [ ]
My main focus is in frontend design and functionality for desktop and mobile software. I typically start by prototyping in Figma and then bring functionality to my designs with code. I've created applications for Windows, macOS, iPhone , and Apple Watch. When I'm not working on code projects or new designs, I'm slowly learning languages like 한국어 or Suomalainen, and I'm thinking up and drawing new fictional language scripts on r/neography.I started my self-taught skills journey around 2010, initially focusing on graphic design and mastering Photoshop. In 2018, a computer engineer friend introduced me to programming, and it quickly became my passion. After some exploration, I think I "settled into the design side" of programming, combining my still expanding coding skills with a keen eye for aesthetics.
In addition to loving Swift (and SwiftUI) for Apple products, I've worked a lot with both JavaScript / TypeScript to make dekstop apps and websites in React (this website), and I'm most recently exploring languages like Lua and Go for things like Neovim development. When I'm not using the tried and true Electron, I'm trying to get the new* framework Tauri to work for me and really master the Rust language. Aside from these languages and libraries for creating frontends, my main scripting language of choice is Python. Which I use a ton for things like coding challenges on Codewars / AdventOfCode.For all my projects, I rely on Figma as my go-to tool for prototyping designs before transitioning to code. I also have years of experience with Photoshop and Illustrator as well. Additionally, I have some very minor familiarity with programs like FontLab, FontForge and Calligraphr, which I enjoy using for personal hobbies like creating constructed scripts. IDE? Pick one. Neovim is my favorite and my go-to atm, but VSCode (VSCodium), XCode, and some Fleet have all served me well too.